Monthly Archive: October, 2016

How the stupid and immoral populace, “the proles”, betray their Motherland. The example of the occupied Crimea in Ukraine.

Orwellian Proles, who form up to 90% of the population in any country, are idiots and many of them are psychopaths. In 2014, 98% of Crimean populace queued up to take passports of the occupant, just as their compatriots were robbed, tortured and killed a hundred kilometers away.

A US intelligence commander: “The U.S. had urged Ukraine not to resist the Russian takeover of Crimea, though Ukraine had adequate forces to do so”.

George Woloshyn, a former naval intelligence commander: “U.S. had urged Ukraine not to resist the Russian takeover of Crimea, though Ukraine had adequate forces on the ground with which to do so”.
The correct statement should sound as follows: “The US State Department urged Ukraine not to resist the Russian takeover of Crimea”. The US State Department is a saboteur anti-American faction of the US bureaucracy. The goal of surrendering Crimea was to trap the Russian state in a war logic. It was a major step in the preparation of the coming genocidal world war.